This program is for you if...

  • You want to lose weight or eat healthier.

  • You are sick of counting calories, macros, and restricting your food intake. You want to reach your healthiest weight in a way that feels GOOD!

  • You regularly crave sweets and unhealthy foods. You want to eat healthier but life, work, and stress often get in the way. You don't know how to break the cycle.

  • You want to learn how to create healthy, easy meals but you don't have a lot of time or experience in the kitchen.

  • You want to feel confident in your body

Ready to feel better in your body?

Do you want to reach your healthiest weight without dieting and restriction? Do you want someone to hold your hand and help you stay on track? THEN , THIS PROGRAM WAS MADE FOR YOU. Apply now. Space is limited.

I'm Ready!

Pricing options

You can pay in full or choose a 3 or 6 month payment plan.

What others are saying about this method...

Julia D.

"I came in with no understanding of how to actually eat - no schedule, no structure, no 'being in tune with my body.' Renee gave me guiderails (not restrictions) to give me back control of my body and my diet. She celebrated my wins and assisted me in my challenges every step of the way. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to get control back or learn better eating habits. "

Marcela G.

"Renee is the best. She has been there to help me through my weight loss goals while maintaining a healthy, clean diet. She not only helps with the diet aspect but the mental and body image issues too. I feel so much healthier and energetic since I have worked with her. "

Tania P.

"I loved working with Renee. I lost over 15 lbs working with her. I feel better and most importantly I know better. I thought this would only get me recipes but it got me food explanations that I use while eating out, real food meal prep and science, life coaching and support that I needed. I feel great!"

Britt C.

"I've seen more results since working with Renee than I had in years on my own. Renee was able to help me re-think my diet to focus more on whole, healthy foods (rather than just calories) and give me easy tasks each week to stick to my plan while still allowing me to enjoy my social life - which tends to revolve around eating and drinking. I'm generally eating more food - just higher quality food! I can honestly say that she helped me figure out a way to eat healthfully for the rest of my life!"

Alissa G.

"Renee is fantastic! She's patient, kind and super smart when it comes to food and the body. I loved working with her!"

Meet Your Instructor

  • Renee RD

    Functional Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian

    Renee RD

    Hey, I'm Renee! I've been where you are. I've tried countless diets and felt totally confused around food. That's why I became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I learned how to properly nourish my body and it has transformed my life ever since. Over the past 13 years, I have worked with thousands of people to help them lose weight, feel better in their bodies, and adopt healthier eating habits that actually stick. I took everything I learned working with individuals one-on-one and put it into a small group program, The Body Solution. My goal is that I can help more people eat better so they can feel better and therefore go out and live a better life!