This program is for you if...

  • You have gut issues, such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, and/or acid reflux that interfere with your day to day life. You are ready to feel better!

  • You are emotionally exhausted from trying to solve your gut issues by yourself. You are ready to invest in yourself with a proven method that works!

  • You feel isolated with your symptoms. No one really gets it. You want to be part of a community with other women who are experiencing similar gut issues.

  • You are currently restricting foods in order to manage your symptoms. You are ready to enjoy all types of food without triggering symptoms.

Ready to fix your gut issues?

Do you want to learn how to heal your gut by getting to the root of the problem? Do you want tons of support and individual guidance while healing your gut? THEN , THIS PROGRAM WAS MADE FOR YOU. Apply now. Space is limited.

I'm Ready!

Pricing options

You can pay in full or choose a 3 or 6 month payment plan.

Meet Your Instructor

  • Renee Clerkin

    Functional Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian

    Renee Clerkin

    Hi! I'm Renee. I've been a functional dietitian for over 12 years - but, not too long ago, I was in your shoes. Every day, I was dealing with bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, and irregular bowel patterns that made me feel tired, moody, and not like myself. I tried all sorts of ways to "fix" my gut, with no success. Finally, after months of research, I found a method that actually worked. Within two months of starting my new gut protocol, my symptoms had disappeared. Truly. My mood, energy levels and mental clarity improved, too - and the best part was that I didn't have to restrict my diet in order to manage my symptoms. The more I researched this method and saw results in myself, the more I wanted to share it with my clients. So here we are. You might be thinking this sounds too good to be true - and I don't blame you. There is a ton of nutrition misinformation out there. But I can promise you this, I have helped hundreds of people successfully heal their guts using the same method my program - The Gut Solution - is based on. And it works. My hope is that you will love this program as much as I do, and find permanent relief from your gut problems.

What others are saying about this method...

Mike M.

"My biggest regret is that I didn't work with Renee sooner. I've had fantastic results in terms of managing my IBS symptoms and losing weight. "

Kate R.

"Within 2 weeks of being on Renee's complete gut healing protocol, my skin issues vanished and my gut symptoms significantly improved. Within 8 weeks, I could eat broccoli without bloating. That was a huge win as I don't remember the last time I could eat broccoli without bloating."

Liz N.

"Today, 5 months after starting the gut protocol with Renee I feel like a totally different person. My bloating, stomach pain, and constipation have decreased significantly, if not totally. I can enjoy food again and eat without pain!"

Una T.

"During my first meeting with Renee, my hopelessness about my IBS changed to hopefulness. My quality of life since meeting Renee has changed drastically for the better. I now have normal bowel movements. I am not in pain or bloated after eating. I can enjoy my favorite foods again! I feel like a normal person. You can't go wrong with Renee!"

Elsa A.

"I've been dealing with IBS symptoms for over a decade and had been at my lowest point before working with Renee. After working with Renee for three months, I feel like a different person. I didn't think I could feel as well as I do now and wish I had sought Renee's help earlier."

Carol B.

"I think I was a challenging case for Renee...67 years old, VEGAN and just feeling in a rut with food, lots of GI issues including hx of diverticulitis with peritonitis, fatigue, esophagitis and GERD. Renee is a "miracle worker"- extremely knowledgable about nutrition, additives, protein needs for older adults (I guess that's me....). She helped me think of food as fuel. I started to feel so much better that I began to lift weights and swim again. Although weight loss wasn't a goal for me, I lost the "belly pooch" and 5 pounds all while adding muscle. My energy returned. My husband started calling me "Sparky" again. Thank you Renee for helping me live my best life!"


  • I've tried healing my gut before with no luck. What makes this program different?

    The majority of my gut clients come to me as a last attempt. They have already tried everything out there and nothing has worked. This program is unique because we work to heal your gut by getting to the root of your issues. We aren't just interested in eliminating symptoms, we are interested in treating why they are there in the first place so you can achieve long-term relief.

  • What if I've tried a bunch of supplements and nothing has worked?

    Taking supplements and targeting a supplement protocol to treat your symptoms based on the RIGHT testing are two different things. As part of the program, you'll do a stool test to identify the most targeted supplements for you.

  • Do you offer refunds or cancellations?

    In order to get the most out of this program, it is important you are in a place where you can fully commit to your healing journey. Additionally, there are expenses such as your GI MAP stool test that are built into the cost of the program that cannot be returned once ordered. For these reasons, a full refund is not possible at this time. However, Renee is happy to work with you to find a good solution if you don't feel this is the right fit once you start the program.